2025-26 Career Kickstart Pilot: Interest Form 

In the 2025-26 school year, we will pilot Career Kickstart Cybersecurity pathway and its Networking Fundamentals and Cybersecurity Fundamentals courses. To learn more about joining the pilot, please fill out the form below. 

School Information

Enter your School's Zip/Postal Code prior to searching for a school below.

Begin typing the name of your high school and a search list will automatically appear. Use your mouse or up/down arrow keys to navigate through the list. Select a school by clicking on it or pressing the enter key. If your school does not appear in the list, type your school's name into the text field.

International School

Enter your School's Country prior to searching for a school below.

Begin typing the name of your high school and a search list will automatically appear. Use your mouse or up/down arrow keys to navigate through the list. Select a school by clicking on it or pressing the enter key. If your school does not appear in the list, type your school's name into the text field.

District Information

Begin typing the name of your district and a search list will automatically appear. Use your mouse or up/down arrow keys to navigate through the list. Select a district by clicking on it or pressing the enter key. If your district does not appear in the list, type your district’s name into the text field.
Hidden fields for US District

District: International

Begin typing the name of your district and a search list will automatically appear. Use your mouse or up/down arrow keys to navigate through the list. Select a district by clicking on it or pressing the enter key. If your district does not appear in the list, type your district’s name into the text field.
Hidden fields for International District